2D and 3D Modeling Software Tool

A curve is basically a continuous line that is not straight. It can be smooth, like splines, or made up of connected straight segments, like polylines. Applications are widely and can come in subtle forms, such as the creation of fonts that we use to write in our technological devices. In this project, I start implementing the parametric formulas of Cubic Bézier curves and Cubic B-splines to create curves and piecewise curves in the 2D space to poosteriorly used in the base contruction of surfaces of revolutions and generalized cylinders....

April 23, 2024 · Daniela Hernandez

Geometry Wars Game

Have you ever played Geometry Wars? I hadn’t—at least, not the original version released by Microsoft Games Studio in 2003. My version, created 20 years later, is probably only 26.8% as sophisticated as the original. But let me tell you, game development involves a lot of hard work, and this was my first game. In my case, I used the Entity-Component-System (ECS) pattern to manage architecture concerns, simplifying the development process....

November 27, 2023 · Daniela Hernandez

Exploring The SFML Graphics API

Have you ever seen the DVD logo screensaver that bounces around the screen and changes color upon collision? When I was a child, I did, and I had no clue how it worked until many years later, when I embarked on my first graphics project, which reminds me a lot of the DVD screensaver because the program functionality is pretty much the same: generate colorful primitive shapes that bounce off the edges of the screen, living in harmony and peace forever....

October 15, 2023 · Daniela Hernandez